Pastoral Care
Designated Teacher: Mrs J Gray (may be contacted through the school office)
The Safeguarding Team
- Chair of the Board of Governors; Rev D Leal
- Designated Governor for Child Protection; Mr T McMackin
- Principal; Mr W Fletcher
- Designated Teacher; Mrs J Gray
- Deputy Designated Teacher; Mrs L Withers
- Deputy Designated Teacher; Miss T McAreavey
- Deputy Designated Teacher; Miss S Simpson
Copies of the School’s child protection, pastoral care, drugs and anti-bullying policies may be obtained on request from the Secretary or the Principal.
The school places emphasis on the care and well being of its pupils. Parents can be assured that personal matters will be dealt with in a sympathetic and confidential way and are encouraged to discuss with the Principal or the child’s teacher, matters arising outside school which may affect a child’s work or behaviour.
A counsellor from Barnardos is in school one day each week and a pupil may see her on request.
We liaise closely with the Education Welfare Officer and other agencies concerned with health, drugs education and general welfare.
We have recently been awarded 'School of Sanctuary' status (one of only fourteen schools in the whole province). This prestigious award celebrates the welcoming qualities that are enshrined within our ethos. We particularly welcome newcomer children and celebrate diversity and inclusion within our school community.
We expect all pupils to behave in a responsible manner. Pupils are expected to show consideration, courtesy and respect for others at all times. In Cliftonville, we operate a positive discipline policy. At its heart, this policy is about partnerships. Pupils are rewarded and praised for good behaviour. Rewards may include verbal praise, stickers or referral to a senior member of staff.
As a school we are always seeking to celebrate the success, achievements and efforts of our students. These are celebrated daily in class but also weekly in a number of ways:
A 'focus for the week' is decided in collaboration with teachers and students. Coby Bear is presented to the winning class each week in assembly and gets to spend the week with them!
Each week a child from each class is chosen to receive a special certificate in assembly.
The teacher may choose the child for a number of reasons including classwork, behaviour or helping others.
A selection of pupils are invited to attend a Headmaster's Tea Party every six weeks where breakfast is served to them by the Principal to congratulate individual success. The teachers choose a pupil from their class for consistently demonstrating exceptional qualities.
Cliftonville Integrated Primary School, 93 Cliftonville Rd, Belfast BT14 6JQ Phone: 028 9035 1638