Message from the principal

On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to our school. I am incredibly proud to be leading Cliftonville Integrated Primary School and supporting our children in their educational journey.
This is a journey where they will meet children from different backgrounds, cultures and religions. A journey where tolerance is nurtured and diversity celebrated. A journey where our troubled past makes way for a shared future. Be in no doubt, by choosing our school, you are making a difference to the society that we live in and providing your child with the best opportunities for their development academically, socially, emotionally and societally.
At Cliftonville IPS weencourage our children to be thoughtful, respectful and reflective, to understand their place in the world and to set themselves ambitious standards both in terms of their commitment to work and discipline. Our children are also encouraged to adopt a positive mind-set and use determination and perseverance to overcome challenges and take pride in all that they achieve.
Achievements are met through the hard work and dedication of our staff, working in partnership with our parents, to ensure that the children thrive in an environment of well-resourced classrooms and facilities that are underpinned by high quality teaching and a strong, nurturing, pastoral support network throughout the school.
Our school is an outward looking, community orientated school that embraces the families that we serve and attempts to build relationships with all organisations that strive to make our country a better place for us all to live. None of us ever want to see our society torn apart once more and descend into the abyss of sectarianism. At Cliftonville IPS, we see it as our civic duty to ensure that we leave this world in a better place than how we found it by leading, listening and learning together.
Most importantly, we promise that we will nurture, care for and protect your most precious possession during their time at our wonderful school.
B. Fletcher
Cliftonville Integrated PS
Cliftonville Integrated Primary School, 93 Cliftonville Rd, Belfast BT14 6JQ Phone: 028 9035 1638